iPhone battery replacement hamilton
if your iPhone battery doesn’t last long you need iPhone battery replacement hamilton where to get iPhone battery replacement in hamilton. Bring it to applefix hamilton at 85/a victoria street hamilton. Battery in iPhone plays an important role in having proper functionality of iPhone. If battery is not genuine it can damage charging ic or logic board or your iPhone can stuck in restore loop. Even though iPhone battery replacement is easy and recommended for DIY repair. If you are doing DIY iPhone battery replacement make sure don’t go for cheapest battery available on the internet. Spend few bucks more and buy a genuine iPhone battery.
iPhone battery replacement guide
Professional iPhone battery replacement you need proper tools. If you have a phone older as in the below picture you don’t need to take lcd off. Other tools you need is metal or plastic Uspudger, P2 Pentalobe, Screwdriver, tweezer, philip screw driver size 000, double sided tape and battery.
Remove lcd screw with p2 pentalobe screwdriver, you might need to heat lcd edges to soften the water resist tape and with metal spudger or suction cup lift lcd. Put iPhone in holder and remove metal shield covering battery and charging port connectors. Disconnect battery terminal from logic board. With metal spudger start pulling battery from the housing.
Double sided adhesive which holds battery to housing is quite strong. The easiest way to separate battery from housing is to expose adhesive by pulling the battery. When you see the white adhesive use a tweezer to take it out and hold it.
Once this white adhesive is exposed hold it with your fingers start pulling it off. It should come out like rubber and at the same time pull battery out.
This is easiest way to take battery out from iPhone. If you force it out you might have internal bent on the iPhone housing. Once iPhone battery is taken out. You might want to clean the surface if there is any adhesive residue left on the housing. take a good double sided tape and stick it on the housing.
Put new battery and connect the iPhone battery connector and then screw metal plate on battery and charging port connectors. turn on the iPhone test it and you all done.
iPhone battery replacement hamilton at applefix
iPhone battery replacement at applefix is easy and affordable. Most of time we replace iPhone battery while you wait in the shop. If your iPhone battery not lasting more than few hours it is time to get the iPhone battery replaced. Bring it to applefix hamilton at 85/a victoria street hamilton or call 078394188 for a free quote